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Friday, May 15, 2009

Making Income Online With Your Own Freelance Writing Business

by Wendy Rahilly

Whether you are a trained, college educated writer or a stay at home mom struggling with making income online, freelance writing is picking up speed and has made a promising presence on the Internet within the last 5 to 10 years. Being a freelance writer sits solely on the shoulders of the person looking to write from home full or part time. This is because a freelance writer, along with their writing abilities, is the one being marketed.
There are several avenues a freelance writer can take to when becoming a knowledgeable and spoken freelance writer in today's busy writing scene.

If just beginning to think about writing from home, it is best to sign up with various online writing groups. These writing groups can be found through websites for stay at home moms or parents, exclusive websites groups for writers, employment websites which post writing jobs and websites where a writer can bid on a job. These are some of the best ways to begin making income online with writing and getting your name and product out there. Yes, your ability to write good articles online is a product for sale. When companies or private clients are seeking a writer for a particular project, this is the best way for you to gain more exposure and begin making income online. This is true especially if your writing is well written and thought out. Following instructions from a potential employer is a must along with asking questions when something does not make sense to you. It is better to ask questions the first time around than having to do a re write.

Here are some ways you, the freelance writer, can start your freelance writing business:

Education in Business or Writing: When it comes to education in business or writing, this is up to you. It is not necessary to have a degree in business or writing, but it does not hurt either. When you see your freelance writing business take off, and you being to hire more writers, it would serve you well to keep track of writing jobs going out and coming in. This means having prior business knowledge on how to keep track, or have inventory, of your writing jobs for tax purposes will serve you well. These days, all you might really need is a Business 101 course which you can take online in probably 4-6 weeks. This should give you a taste of what it is like to be making income online with a business, freelance writing or not, from home.

Learn the Freelance Writing Marketplace: Writing online is not the same as writing for print publications. As a freelance writer for a print publication, you will need past writing experience. This means you must have writing samples to show your potential employer. Another thing to write for print publications is, on a monthly or bi-monthly basis, you already have a consistent readership. That is, your readers are probably subscribing to a magazine that you write for. When it comes to freelance writing online, this could be a hit and miss readership. Along with this type of readership, it is imperative that all your articles have keywords the search engine will pick up. If your keywords are popular, your articles will appear at the top of each search engine page.

Negotiating Price: Sometimes, you, the freelance writer are in charge of how you are making income online by being given the opportunity to set your own price per words written. Other times, you are given a price to write for, per words written. It is up to you to leave it, or take it. Now, since you are just breaking into the freelance writing field, it is best to take what money you are given. Remember, the more you write, the better you become and the more writing jobs you will land. Just remember to begin portfolio of all your past writing assignments. Every article you write is a reflection of you and what you prefer writing about. In turn, these are the type of jobs you are more likely to get. The better your writing is the higher pay you will receive.

Find out how to be making income online and earning $100 per day online within 30 days with your freelance writing along with 20 other methods to make money online.

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